What's Usually The Next Step In A Background Check?

Lesson One


So you've taken the old plunge. You just ordered the Database Background Check and you're wondering what to do next. When you get the results (sent to you via email), you might look at all this data and think "what the hell does all this stuff mean"? In most cases you won't know what anything means but that's why you're conducting an investigation. The information in various files across the nation about your subject was placed there for reasons unknown to you but is undoubtedly history well known by your subject. Some Background Checks will be about 7 pages long will others might end up being 77 pages. The total number of pages typically has no bearing on the subjects past being investigated as it relates to good news or bad. Younger people with less history will generally have less information on file nationwide while older subjects will typically have more background data. 

You might have no interest in certain parts because you're looking for something specific. What you're hoping to see might show up in the check and maybe it won't. If you don't find what you're looking for there, start over from the top and absorb the details you do see. Private Investigators have to think outside the box so if you're conducting your own investigation you'll need to do the same. Good investigative work requires patience, logic and persistence. Compare the information you suspect is true against anything unknown or new. Look at the various names indicated to be associated with your subject and expand the investigation to include those other names. At this stage you won't know if the other names there resulted from an administrative error or by the deliberate intent of your subject to hide or lie. Other names could be concealing a secret life. Diane Jones AKA Dianne Jones could be your first clue. Don't be too quick to dismiss or deny things that appear to only be an error. Another typical move used to deceive involves the manipulation of a birth date. 10/01/1964 and 01/10/1964. Sometimes people only lie about certain parts so they can keep track of all the various identities easier.

Go To Lesson Two

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