Give A Fugitive This Free Prepaid Calling Card

Prepaid Traceable International Calling Card

Phone Number Trace Calling Card

In our continued effort to keep the bad guys off balance, the actual calling card appearance is changed from time to time. 
Click to order the Trace Prepaid Calling Card

This calling card operates like any other nationwide or international prepaid calling card except for one thing. The Investigator, Bounty Hunter or Client gets to check the users international call activity without the user knowing. The user thinks they just got a free international promotional prepaid calling card in the mail for free! You can also give the free phone card directly to your subject if the nature of your relationship would not cause suspicion. Putting the free prepaid phone card directly in their hand is the best way to insure the phone card gets to you subject or suspect. Once they start to use the phone card, you'll be able to call a toll free number 24 hours a day and get the following information about your caller:

We'll address the envelope using the subjects name that you'll provide. You can also have the prepaid calling card envelope addressed to a business. Tell us where to send the calling card and wait for the subject to start using the card. We'll send you the phone number, pin number & password allowing you to check for results 24 hours a day. The system will store your call detail for 72 hours after the activity takes place. Calling cards can be purchased for 60 and 90 minutes worth of calls.
The calling card phone number, pin number & password will be active for 60 days.


60 Minute Calling Card: $135.00 **** 90 Minute Calling Card: $139.00

Buy It

Call Us Toll Free To Order By Phone
 888 - 259 - 4474


Q. Can the person using the card call any location just like a regular calling card?
A. Yes.

Q. Will the user be able to find out who paid for the calling card?
A. No. There is no link back to the client. Your identity is safe.

Q. Don't people get suspicious when they get this calling card for free in the mail?
A. No. Think of all the free offers you get. Coupons, samples of shampoo, tooth paste etc.
Did you ever send anything back or really care where it came from? Most people don't.

Q. How long does it take for most people to use up 90 minutes on the calling card?
A. Most people use up 90 minutes within 2 weeks of receiving the card.

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Copyright © 2023, Private Investigator, 77investigators.com, 77 Investigations, Inc., 3200 West End Ave Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203, Co Lic: 1376, Free Call Nationwide (888) 259-4474